Fleet management
Our mission is to continuously improve and maintain our vessels to comply with IMO regulation. Implemented Quality Management System requirements for all areas of the business including: Facilities, People, Training, Services and Equipments.
We track/monitor vessels performance by internal inspection two times in one year and SIRE/CDI inspection every six months
Boat drill
This is a Boat Drill conduct by the all Crews Members this training is conducting according to the Requirements of SOLARS, and with Company safety regulation.
This Drill will be conduct every month at sea or in port where it is allowed to conduct,
The Master will be decided time and place to be carried out this drill without interfering or the obstructing to the daily work.
2. Fire drill

his is Conducting Fire Fighting drills as training since this is the most dangers problem to be avoided, and it is very important trainings as required by the SOLARS and Company Safety policies.
This training must be conduct monthly under supervision of the Commander in charge known as Master, with senior officers and all crews’ are compulsory to conduct Fire Drill Training in order to achieve our goal of zero
3. Enclosed space rescue drill

This is Enclosed Space recues drills, conducting as training accord with SOLARS requirements, and avoids lost of life with unconsciously.
This is the company Safety policies, preventing of life’s and this training are carryout regularly in Monthly basis, Master and senior officers and all crew’s Members are compulsory to conduct this training.
4. Abandon ship drill

This is Abandon drill, which is to be the last survivals action, this training required to practice according to SOLARS, and Company safety policies,
The Master is in Command of all action and the Master is the last person to be Abandon the Vessel.